A video has gone viral on social media, showing a Russian soldier sharing his miraculous survival story. The soldier, Alexander Lopatov, a marksman in the 6th Tank Regiment of the "Center" group of forces, revealed how a prayer and his faith helped him survive in battle despite being wounded by shrapnel and constantly under fire from the Ukrainian armed forces.
In the video, Lopatov shows his military ID with a bullet hole right in front of his heart. The bullet went through several pages of the document before stopping right in front of an icon of the Virgin Mary that he had kept inside the ID's pocket.
A Russian soldier, Alexander Lopatov, was saved by the presence of an icon of the Virgin Mary in his military ID. The soldier, who serves as a marksman in the 6th Tank Regiment of the "Center" group of forces, shared his story of survival in a video that has been widely shared on social media.
In the video, Lopatov reveals that he was struck by shrapnel and constantly under fire from the Ukrainian armed forces during a battle. Despite his injuries, he attributes his survival to his prayers and unwavering faith.
As Lopatov displays his military ID, it becomes evident that a bullet had pierced through the document and came to a halt right in front of an icon of the Virgin Mary that he had placed in his ID's pocket. The bullet passed through several pages before encountering the icon, effectively saving the soldier's life.
These extraordinary events have captivated the online community, with many expressing awe at the soldier's miraculous escape from harm. Some have even interpreted the incident as a testament to the power of faith.
A video circulating on social media has showcased the incredible story of Alexander Lopatov, a soldier in the 6th Tank Regiment of the "Center" group of forces, and how his faith in the Virgin Mary saved his life.
Lopatov shares his harrowing experience of being wounded by shrapnel and constantly under fire from the Ukrainian armed forces. Despite the dire circumstances, he attributes his survival to his unwavering faith and the strength of his prayers.
During the video, Lopatov displays his military ID, which bears a clear bullet hole directly in front of his heart. The bullet had gone through multiple pages before being stopped by an icon of the Virgin Mary that he had tucked inside his ID.
The story has resonated deeply with viewers, sparking discussions about the role of faith in the face of danger. Many have found inspiration in Lopatov's ordeal, seeing it as further proof of the power and protection that comes with unwavering belief.