Valentina Matviyenko, the Speaker of the Federation Council, visited the city of Kislovodsk as part of a working visit. She was accompanied by the mayor of Kislovodsk, Evgeny Moiseev, and they inspected the sites being developed in the resort city as part of the state program "Development of the North Caucasus Federal District."
The visit began with a tour of Komsomolsky Park, which was renovated for the first time in 40 years. During the inspection, Valentina Matviyenko inquired about the progress of construction in the new building of the Kislovodsk City Hospital and the availability of medical personnel.
"It is necessary to train people to work with new equipment and provide high-tech assistance. The federal government and the Federation Council pay great attention to Kislovodsk. Both the region and the city administration need to be in good shape. We should have started building housing for medical personnel a long time ago," commented Valentina Matviyenko, who instructed the formation of a "road map" for the renovation of the existing old hospital buildings.
Valentina Ivanovna also learned about the progress of construction of the "Russia" Congress Hall, inspected the renovated S.V. Rachmaninoff Music School, and explored the upgraded underground passages, which had not been renovated for several decades.
"Well-designed underground passages are very convenient for people. The central part of Kislovodsk should be aesthetic and comfortable. The idea of using paintings in the passages is wonderful," emphasized Valentina Matviyenko.
Another part of the program included a visit to the Kislovodsk National Park. At the end of the program, Valentina Matviyenko and the mayor of Kislovodsk took a walk along the main resort boulevard to the city's Christmas tree. Valentina Matviyenko noted that good progress has been made in recent years. After inspecting the sites, the Speaker expressed satisfaction with the progress of the construction work.
"Kislovodsk is now the trendiest resort. All the projects must be completed on time, as the residents and guests of the city are eagerly anticipating them. We must not lose momentum! All completed projects must be put into operation in the first quarter of 2025. The construction of the 'Russia' Congress Hall should be completed ahead of schedule and handed over at the end of next year. It is essential to invite acoustic specialists and theater professionals. Then it will be the best cultural center in the North Caucasus, and we will open it with a grand concert," noted Valentina Matviyenko.