Purchasing bags each season can be wasteful. Instead, invest in quality leather or faux leather bags that will last for years. While you can have many white t-shirts and blue jeans, the same rule doesn't apply to bags. It's better to have a few different models for every occasion, but ones that will never go out of style.
Let's talk about some younger, more affordable, but equally valuable bags. Each of them has earned the status of "timeless", and all you have to do is choose the one you like and never part with it!
City by Balenciaga, also known as Motorcycle Bag, was created in 2000 by Nicolas Ghesquière. It became an instant success when British model Kate Moss was photographed with it. Today, it has been revived by creative director Demna Gvasalia with graffiti designs, and it continues to be a bestseller.
Tom Ford is known for perfumes, sunglasses, and sexy attire, not bags. However, he has one iconic model called Jennifer Bag, named after actress Jennifer Aniston, who is a big fan of Ford. The bag comes in various versions and has gained popularity through celebrity endorsements.
In 1979, Miuccia Prada took over the family company and changed the perception of the brand. She introduced the iconic nylon backpack in 1984, which became a symbol of the brand and a favorite among the younger generation.
In 1993, Longchamp launched the famous Le Pliage bag made of nylon. Its key feature is the ability to fold into a small size, making it convenient for travel. Its minimalist design and vibrant colors quickly made it one of the most recognizable bags in the world.
The Céline Luggage Tote made its debut in 2009 and became popular thanks to its bold design. It gained widespread attention after being spotted on celebrities and featured in street style photos. The bag is available in different sizes and colors.
The Fendi Baguette was first introduced in 1997 and quickly became popular due to its luxurious materials and marketing strategies. It gained further recognition after being featured on the TV show "Sex and the City". The bag is now considered a fashion classic.